

Before Using iNAP

Before Using iNAP

iNAP is a new nonsurgical device for use at home for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in adults.

The system uses a soft, flexible mouthpiece, thin tubing, and a quiet battery-powered console to deliver a light, oral vacuum to comfortably open your airway while you breathe normally through your nose during sleep.

You may be a candidate for iNAP if you have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea.

Speak with a sleep physician to learn if the treatment is appropriate for you. In clinical studies, INAP was proven effective in patients with mild, moderate, and severe obstructive sleep apnea (AHI between 5 and 55).iNAP-/-----15~55)-(ref1).

iNAP doesn't work for everyone, so we recommend discussing iNAP as a therapy option with your physician.

-We offer two options:





.註1 : 關於iNAP之國際醫學臨床論文研究









阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症目前主流治療方式為採用連續陽壓睡眠呼吸器(Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, CPAP),使用者必須在睡眠期間綁戴覆蓋口鼻的面罩,鼓風機以持續灌氣方式撐開上呼吸道,以減緩呼吸中止的症狀;CPAP雖為有效的治療方式,然而缺點也不少:戴面罩睡覺壓迫臉頰很不舒適、管線限制睡眠姿勢、持續氣壓導致呼吸不協調、主機體積大有噪音、需要插電使用…等等問題造成不便與不適,導致近6成OSA患者放棄治療。



iNAP安鎂睡眠呼吸治療裝置的口部介面(Oral Interface)是負壓睡眠呼吸器與其他治療方式最大的特徵差異,也是產品體驗的核心。

iNAP口部介面造型類似一朵扶桑花,外伸的花蕊部是負壓傳遞管(tube)”、花瓣部則是嘴唇檔片(lip shield)/舌頭檔片(tongue shield)”。配戴時,需要把“整朵花置放入口中”,嘴唇擋片能輔助形成口腔氣密,當主機幫浦運作,透過放在舌上的負壓傳遞管把口腔內的空氣抽走,抽氣過程中舌頭會自然前移、頂向上顎;同時舌頭擋片能保護舌頭不會直接頂到下排牙齒;前述這一連串的動作,就會確保上呼吸道打開,避免睡著時因重力與軟組織肌肉放鬆而堵住了氣道,造成睡眠呼吸中止。




為提供病患更好的OSA治療體驗,特定款式iNAP負壓睡眠呼吸治療裝置可由醫療專業人員由遠端進行療程的負壓值調整,以最佳化治療效果。使用者可透過(03)550-9623 服務專線或國內特定醫療院所取得相關專業服務。


The battery life of iNAP depends on the user's session habits and seal time.

On average, the iNAP One Sleep Therapy System’s recharged battery can last up to 6 days when used 7-8 hours per night.

For emergency use, it can be quickly fully charged for half an hour, which can maintain the power required for one night's use.

-Oral Interface and Tubing set: Replace every 3 months.....


Dry pad:Replace daily.


Saliva container:Replace every 6 months.


iNAP安鎂睡眠呼吸治療裝置耗材視使用情況而有所不同,一年份耗材費用約8,000-10,000元,耗材包含:集液袋 12包 (內含31片/包)、口部介面組 4套。

CPAP陽壓呼吸器的面罩與管路套組,因為會累積主機送出的水垢與呼吸時帶出的細菌,原廠也多建議三個月更換一次,再算上加熱加濕器、濾棉等,總計約新台幣11,000 元。


If you can breathe through your nose with your closed mouth, you might benefit from iNAP.

Some mouth breathers may take longer to adjust to nasal breathing. If you have congestion from colds or allergies, using a nasal spray to relieve nasal congestion could help the blockage.

Yes, The oral interface provides a lip shield to help you maintain oral pressure when using iNAP. You need to have front teeth in order to keep the oral interface in place

Numerous iNAP efficacy studies have been published in peer-reviewed manuscripts and abstracts around the world and in the US.

Clinical study references are available online at國際研究/

- : Publication List

沒有。因衛福部參考美國作法,將單純阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症排除在身心障礙的認定之外,自2017年4月5日之後,睡眠呼吸中止症患者已不能以“Apnea-hypopnea index (AHI)大於 40/hr,連續使用呼吸輔助器六個月以上,確認其狀況為不可逆之變化無法改善”為鑑定依據取得殘障手冊,進而申請政府之輔具補助。



iNAP Lite (第一代)的「儲液槽」與「主機」是分離的,兩者間有一條管子連接,並採用二顆鹼性電池驅動,一周要更換一次電池;iNAP One(第二代)的「儲液槽」整合與「主機」一體化,且內建鋰電池,無論從攜帶、外出使用、環保等角度都更加提升。

When Using iNAP

iNAP 常見使用問題

When your oral interface is in the right position and the console is turned on, it takes about 10-15 seconds to reach negative pressure in your oral cavity. This sensation pulls the tongue toward the upper palate and the soft palate forward. Here are some tips you can use to reach effective negative pressure. With the oral interface in place:

1.As if using a straw, draw in the stamen, the part of the interface that extends farthest in your mouth to initiate the vacuum.

2.Bring your tongue to the upper palate and forwarded position, behind your top front teeth.


There are several tips for you:

.Tip 1. bringing the console closer to you​:Bring the tubing to either side of your shoulders and measure the maximum length that you turn during sleep, bringing the console closer to you

.Tip 2. Affix the tubing :Affix the tubing with a clip to the bedding or pajamas to eliminate drag that could cause the oral interface to shift in the mouth.

.Tip3. Use a chin strap:Use a chin strap at the beginning of iNAP treatment if needed.

.Tip 4. Try a different oral interface size:You may need a different oral interface size. Speak to your doctor.

If you still have difficulty , please contact iNAP customer service team.

是的。只要在手機上安裝「iNAP Lab+ APP」,與您的iNAP®安鎂睡眠呼吸治療裝置配對串連後,將可在「iNAP Lab+ APP」上看到每日使用的治療報告,包含負壓值、治療時間、氣密時間、氣密百分比,且能切換“每日/每週/每月”不同呈現方式。


請至APPLE STORE或Google Play下載 「iNAP Lab+ APP」。


.診斷:以使用者在手機安裝的「iNAP Lab+ APP」為核心,藉此串聯血氧濃度計、健康手環、睡眠指環等裝置,使用者能透過APP自行紀錄其睡眠期間的生理數據,讓醫療人員從遠端診斷是否有睡眠呼吸中止症;




According to experience, users who have just started to try iNAP Sleep Therapy System have an average airtightness value of 60-70% in the first month; with the increase of experience, the airtightness will be gradually optimized after they get used to breathing through the nose. , the use of 2 to 3 months can improve to an average of 80% - 90%. If this level cannot be achieved with the use of time, the following suggestions are provided:氣密就會逐漸優化,使用2~3個月可進步到平均80% – 90%。若隨使用時間仍無法達到此水準,有以下建議:

• Check if there are any poor connections between the tubing, the console, or container for leakage

• Mouth-breathing may be caused by nasal congestion. Use a decongestant as needed.

• You may need a different oral interface size in order to provide a tighter seal. Speak to your doctor.

Use a chin strap to prevent yourmouth from falling open.


After every use, rinse and gently rub the oral interface with cold water until there's no slippery feeling. Let cold water flow through the tubing set until you don't see any saliva bubbles, but only clear water. We also recommend using a dental appliance cleaning tablet, like Retainer Brite® to clean the oral interface weekly.












Download User Manual

Please read the User Manual before using iNAP.

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