

Somnics Inc.’s iNAP Wins Another Taiwan Excellence Award For New Oral Interface Accessory


The 30th Taiwan Excellence Award recently announced the winners from a long list of candidates. Somnics, Inc. won its third Taiwan Excellence Award for the new generation iNAP Oral Interface I08, an accessory for the OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) treatment device iNAP Sleep Therapy System. This is the acknowledgment of the company’s R&D and manufacturing capability and the encouragement for continued innovation to meet the market’s unmet needs.

The Taiwan Excellence Award, organized by the Bureau of Foreign Trade and operated by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), is an important event that celebrates Taiwanese companies’ achievement in product development and production. This award has established international credibility with over 100 judges from Taiwan and overseas screening and selecting winners based on R&D, design, quality, marketing and local manufactured in Taiwan. In its 30th year in 2021, Taiwan Excellence issued its third award to Somnics, Inc. On this occasion, the Oral Interface I08, an accessory of iNAP, stood out from the crowd.

The iNAP One Sleep Therapy utilizes intraoral negative air pressure to treat OSA patients. The iNAP creates a gentle oral vacuum to stabilize the tongue and soft tissues and free the airway. Unlike the traditional CPAP, the iNAP lets a patient breathe normally through the nose during sleep without a mask and blowing air. iNAP has a soft, flexible oral interface that users wear during sleep, which gives excellent wearing comfort compared to a CPAP facial mask. The oral interface has to be used throughout the sleep and is the key to whether the patient can adopt the negative pressure treatment for the long term. This seemingly simple design is the achievement after years of development.

The new generation iNAP Oral Interface, I08, improves the fitting and fixation by advanced pressure distribution and adjustable parts. The I08 comprises with three modularized parts: a Lip Shield, a Tongue Shield, and a Flexible Plate with different sizes. Users can select the proper size from 80 combinations according to the physician's evaluation and personalize their own oral interface that is most comfortable, best secured and has better therapeutic effects.
Most of the Taiwan Excellence Award winners this year are the optimal solutions developed to address users’ needs and experience, accompanied by new and smart business models and services for consumers. Somnics Inc.’s iNAP new generation Oral Interface I08, since its debuts with European Product Design Award in 2019, has been certified in Europe (CE Marking) in 2020 and Taiwan (TFDA) in 2021. For the first launched set, a total of 9 combinations are available to meet the needs of 80% of the OSA patients, who can personalize their treatment.

Taiwan Excellence issued its third award to Somnics for the Oral Interface I08, an accessory of iNAP.

萊鎂醫參加2021越南醫療醫藥展 線上推廣iNAP One負壓呼吸治療

2021 越南醫療醫藥展(PHARMEDI Vietnam 2021)線上展

萊鎂醫(6633)受邀參加在東南亞醫材醫藥市場極具指標性的「2021越南胡志明市醫療醫藥展(PHARMEDI Vietnam 2021)」,將於9月15日至10月15日期間於線上展出榮獲台灣精品肯定的「iNAP® One負壓睡眠呼吸治療裝置」,期望在疫情下透過多元的市場拓展模式,與海外廠商交流,也展現台灣在睡眠醫療科技的實力。

萊鎂醫表示,依據2019年由權威的《柳葉刀呼吸醫學》(The Lancet Respiratory Medicine)所發表之跨國研究指出,全球30-69歲的成年人中,估計超過9.36億人患有阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症(AHI≥5),其中有4.25億為中至重度(AHI≥15)。據推估,中國的OSA睡眠呼吸中止患者最多,其次是美國、巴西和印度,其他同列前十名的國家還有巴基斯坦、俄羅斯、奈及利亞、德國、法國和日本,與該國總人口數有正相關。

而東協睡眠聯盟主席Dương Qúy Sỹ醫師在2018年一場於范玉石醫科大學(Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine)的睡眠醫學研討會上指出,越南,這個2020年東協前三大醫材市場,「恐怕有不下於80萬名民眾正遭遇阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症問題」。這也意味者,越南對於睡眠呼吸治療也有著相當大的潛在需求…這也讓萊鎂醫更有信心從越南出發推廣iNAP® One負壓睡眠呼吸治療裝置,讓正在尋求克服阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症(OSA)的越南與其他SEA地區民眾,有機會接觸此一已證明嶄新又有效的解決方案。

iNAP® One安鎂睡眠呼吸治療裝置是利用負壓牽引口腔軟組織,維持舌顎後方呼吸道通暢,使患者可以自然呼吸,達到治療睡眠呼吸中止症目的。相較於陽壓呼吸器(CPAP)的面罩束縛,本品只需配戴軟質舒適的口部介面,主機輕巧僅約口袋大小,採鋰電池供電,易於攜帶且近乎無聲運轉,大大提升治療過程的體驗。擁抱智慧醫療,萊鎂醫開發智慧互聯的遠距睡眠呼吸管理系統,使用者可於手機、平板上安裝iNAP® Lab+ APP並串聯居家監測設備如血氧濃度計、健康手環等,即可紀錄睡眠狀況數據;經上傳雲端平台供醫療人員,可追蹤分析並適時調整治療計畫,達到最佳療程。

iNAP® One擁有多國專利,並獲得德國iF Design及義大利A’ Design設計獎殊榮,並已取得台灣TFDA、美國FDA、歐盟CE及東南亞多國上市許可。iNAP® One並於2021年獲得台灣精品標誌肯定;台灣精品涵蓋研發、設計、品質、行銷及台灣製產等5面向,在國際間享有權威性,是象徵台灣企業標竿成就的重要獎項,也意味著萊鎂醫創新、研發的實力.


有關iNAP® One負壓睡眠呼吸治療裝置相關資訊,請參考 


2021越南胡志明市醫療醫藥展(PHARMEDI Vietnam 2021)線上展  萊鎂醫參展資訊

‧時間:9/15(三)-10/15(五) 10:00-18:00 (越南時間GMT+7,比台灣晚一小時)



iNAP ONE負壓睡眠呼吸治療裝置 進駐台灣精品常設館展出

iNAP One負壓睡眠呼吸治療裝置 進駐台灣精品常設館展出


iNAP One負壓睡眠呼吸治療裝置甫獲2021台灣精品獎殊榮,而台灣精品常設館於日前舉辦年度換展開幕媒體體驗會,iNAP One也常駐於台灣精品常設館展出,讓有興趣的廠商及民眾,能近距離接觸與了解商品的功能及面貌,歡迎大家蒞臨參觀體驗。 

​萊鎂醫(6633)所開發之iNAP One負壓睡眠呼吸治療裝置,提供個人化的精準治療,搭配多種口部介面尺寸供選擇,使用起來會更加舒適。另外,結合最新iNAP Lab+ APP,使用者可看到自己的睡眠狀況,並上傳雲端整合做進一步的追蹤分析,讓治療達到最佳功效,減緩睡眠呼吸中止症症狀、改善睡眠品質。

    iNAP One藉由負壓技術與多重的耗材設計,提供清潔且方便的治療體驗。產品的創新設計擁有多國專利,不同於連續正壓呼吸器(CPAP)的強迫灌氣方式,口內負壓會將舌頭往前牽引固定,維持軟顎後方呼吸道的通暢,避免呼吸道阻塞,讓使用者可透過鼻子自然呼吸,提供睡眠呼吸中止症患者不同的治療選擇。iNAP One並獲得德國iF Design及義大利A’ Design設計獎的殊榮,並已取得台灣TFDA、美國FDA及歐盟CE、東南亞等國上市許可,產品深受各國的安全肯定。

    隨著過年期間外出旅遊拜年,iNAP One體積小重量輕,可方便攜帶,是睡眠呼吸中止症患者不錯的選擇。有關iNAP負壓睡眠呼吸器資訊請參考 或加入官方客服Line:@inap了解更多。

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